We Matter ACOG!

We Matter ACOG!

So I am sure you have seen me and other advocates in black and white pictures stating “wematterACOG” on it. Now while some of you may understand the cause, I am here to state some facts. Because caring is sharing right! The American College of Obstetricians and...
It’s More Than A Bad Period

It’s More Than A Bad Period

As a woman that time of the month is something we don’t look forward too, right? Especially when your  “normal period” tends to not feel quite so normal anymore. Although you may not say it verbally to someone else, in your mind you’ll ask: why are...
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month. Below are 2016 statistics taken from Breastcancer.org: Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women. At this time there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. About 1 in 8...
How To Look Stylish During An Endo-Flare

How To Look Stylish During An Endo-Flare

Having an endometriosis flare is one of the worst things to experience with my condition; especially when you have a prior engagement or meeting that you cannot miss. As I mentioned on my instagram page, I was experiencing a really bad flare this past week. An...