I always get asked: how did you end up on Good Morning America? The honest truth is I signed up to be apart of their live audience! That day I had decided to take a mental health day from work. GMA is my ‘go to’ show when I am getting ready for work, so attending live was always on my bucket list. After receiving my tickets, I was sent an email asking attendees if anyone wanted to get a hair makeover and why. I usually always get my hair done, but being that I was engaged and saving for my wedding, I knew that this would be the PERFECT opportunity to obtain a makeover. But it was even more of an opportunity to share to the world that I had trichotillomania.

Trichotillomania to make it plain is the desire to pull out your hair. Yes this is a real condition, because I do it. I never knew it was a thing until my friend pointed it out to me. I’ll go months without pulling my hair, and the minute I am really stressed, without me knowing I pull. I do not realize it until I try to do my hair and I have a bald spot. Most of the times I do a chop in the recent couple of years are because I need to; not because I want to.

I know others suffer from this condition. That’s why sharing my truth on GMA was important because you overcome by your testimony. Now I am more conscious of when I pull my hair. I have not had a bald spot episode since last December! So I am happy about that. With anything it is a process. I am thankful for the journey I‘m on with overcoming this.

Since appearing on Good Morning America I have decided to keep my undercut. I had one a couple years ago so I thought it would be amazing to have it again. It gives me a different type of edge and spunk that I love. An undercut is also a style on its own – so there’s NEVER a bad hair day! A few months after my cut, l received a call from Redbook Magazine to interview me about my
haircut. They wanted to know about trichotillomania, my decision to keep my haircut, and any triumphs or trials I’ve experiences from recently cutting my hair. I had such a great time being interviewed by them.

From my interview I received a generous gift from Shea Moisture. It included the following products:

  • 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Daily Hydration Body Wash
  • 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Daily Hydration Finishing Oil Serum
  • Manuka Honey & Mufura Oil Intensive Hydration Hair Masque
  • Red Palm Oil & Cocoa Butter Detangling Shampoo
  • Red Palm Oil & Cocoa Butter Leave In or Rinse Out Conditioner

I’m truly thankful for the opportunity to be able to share and spread my truth. You can view my segment here. I’ve always been ashamed of pulling out my hair. I can count how many people knew about it – until now! There’s a blessing in being transparent.

Thank you guys for reading. If you’d like to share what you’ve overcome, comment below!