Here we are guys, another Mother’s Day. I cannot believe it’s been three years since I last spoke about what it felt like on Mother’s Day being a Mother In Waiting and how others can be cognitive for people like me. Three years ago was one of the hardest Mother’s Day for me. However that one hit differently. Mainly because there was so many questions about my reproductive health. Little did I know that in February of 2020 I would officially be diagnosed with infertility. Reading back on that post now was a precursor for me of what was to come without me even knowing. Now I am able to reflect on what’s to come.
The last 12 months has been the hardest for me. SO HARD. I have grown tremendously in what motherhood looks like for me. My focus has shifted from a human baby, and onto the other things I know God has inside of me to birth. In reality, those are babies as well. In every new thing, you must nurture and cultivate to see its full potential here on Earth. I’ve taken pride in the newness of my life. It hasn’t been easy, but focusing on my goals has made me understand that this is necessary to take place before I birth someone from my womb – which I know I will.
I’ve also learned to honor and enjoy the life of my birth mother. She’s been through a lot personally the last couple of months. Living in a different state from her has taken an emotional toll on me. The older I get, the more I realize that I cherish time with my family. Thinking back on the conception of me, they told my mother that it was impossible for her to have a baby. Yet she miraculously had me naturally beating all odds.

During this season of waiting, I’ve been gleaning from her wisdom. God was strategic when He made her my mom. He knew I would experience physicians telling me that I would be infertile also like they told her over 30 years ago. God allowed her more years on Earth to continue to finish her assignment. One was for her to finish her book, direct her play, and I’m confident to help me through this battle of waiting to become a physical mother, to name a few.
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Phillipians 4:6-7 MSG
On this Mother’s Day I have peace that is in indescribable. My prayer for anyone reading this on this day is that you find joy and love in all the things you’ve birthed. You ARE a mother! Happy Mother’s Day!!! xoxo