Every February there’s an annotation centered around love. Unfortunately, this time of the month has always been the opposite for me. Not because of anything traumatic taking place in the past; bur rather I personally never cared for Valentine’s Day. I have been unpacking my dislikes as of late, and this year I asked myself what was it about this month that led to this conclusion. For me, I always want love to be expressed year round; with random acts of kindness and spontaneity. However, I realized that it was deeper than that. February is a reminder that the following month is Endometriosis Awareness Month.

Although I love sharing awareness on this condition, it has forever changed my life and my idea of what expansion of family looks like. I often re-evaluate the choices and decision that I’ve made as it relates to love more in February than I do in May. This self-reflection has cause an innate version of me to suppress other feelings.

We tend to mask love for fear of being vulnerability and transparency. When in actuality love is a beautiful thing. I also realized that I wrapped love into people and things when I was lacking the love of myself. When I refer to myself I mean in terms of personal openness of other areas my heart desired. Yes, this can be a reflection of another year I am not a mother, but I too mourn the silent thoughts and plans I wish to embark on that has not come to fruition. While all these things can be true, I am reminded that my heart is immense and can still enjoy the beauty that this month has to bring.

This year I opted on treating February differently. I understand now more than ever the power and true meaning of love. I now allow my heart to feel, understand, and grow. This has brought me to sharing more love this month. Stay tuned for some amazing simple recipes that you too can create at home! What are some ways that you will implement love this month?

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

John 15:13 NKJV