Last night I attended Kéla Walker’s sold out Kiki With Kéla event in New York City. It was an intimate conversation  to get to know her more personally, as well as learn more about mentorship, engagement on social media, and all things as an influencer. I’ve seen Kéla at numerous events, but never spoke to her until last night. She is one of the most down to earth homegirls a person can have! Super personable and the event really felt like we all met up to just hang out and have a good time. After listening to her speak, I definitely got my whole entire life together! So of course I had to share with you guys the lessons I learned while having my talk with the bestie. So here they go!

Maximize your gift where it can be used to its full capacity.

Find companies that are tangible within your niche. Kéla advised to do research and look for companies that will not only match your audience but to match the amount of followers that you have. I loved this tidbit. I mean in actuality as a blogger, you follow all these amazing companies and know you’d want to work with certain brands. And that’s amazing. It can happen, but what is your start plan? You have to work and build your way up to that momentum. I understand that showing my talents to a smaller brand can actually work in my favor in the end – and land me the dream job I want with a brand/company in the future.

If someone starts a conversation with you, engage with them.

Gain ALL YOU CAN from that conversation. Whether you or the other person initiates the first compliment or gesture, just roll with it. When attending an event of this nature, the other attendees are also there for the same thing you are. This is your opportunity to network! Hand out those business cards (which you should ALWAYS carry), and exchange Instagram handles. You never know who are talking to, and how that one conversation could land you another deal, collaboration, friendship, or shoot all the above!

Be consistent. Stay humble!

Staying consistent in your craft is key to growth. That’s why I make sure that I respond back to people DM’s and if someone recognizes me on the street, I make sure to have a conversation with. That is extremely important to me and I see that it was for Kéla as well. She made sure to greet every guest that came to her event as well as take a picture with them. Which she did not have to do, but it shows an intimate level of gratitude – beyond just dropping gems during her event. When I grow and blossom to where I want to be in the health/beauty game, humility and character is something I want to take with me.

Kiki With Kéla

Never hustle backwards!

“Your page cannot be private, that’s hustling backwards!” – says Kéla, and I could not agree more. A private page cannot give a company an idea of your work and will make it harder for you to gain momentum. I’m realizing that if I am out here hustling in these streets, I must have ways to eliminate doing the double the work. You cannot take shortcuts in this game. You have to be strategic, make a game plan, execute, and stand out!

“Your page cannot be private, that’s hustling backwards!” – says Kéla Click To Tweet

#Bookedbusyblessed is not a slogan. It’s a frame of mine. It’s a lifestyle. 

How many of us want to be booked, busy, and blessed? I know I do. Kéla broke down why she’s trademarked #bookedbusyblessed the way that she did. You can be busy, but that doesn’t mean you’re busy being productive. And that’s a fact. I left the event having an ‘aha moment’ like April, having a lot of things on your schedule doesn’t necessarily mean you’re booked! And allowing yourself to be so busy to where you’re always tired, something is wrong. Not saying some days you won’t be tired, but it should be rewarding and exciting, and more importantly a blessing – not a burden!

I could not be more happier for Kéla. I’m glad I was able to attend her first event (and I know it definitely will not be her last). To have a dream and to step out on faith and doing things afraid shows that all things are possible. I left there with a clearer focus on how I will operate moving forward on a professional scale and more importantly congratulate myself on all that I’ve accomplished thus far. I know that more is in store. Thank you Kéla. Thank you!