I was nine years old when I had my first menstrual cycle. Nine! I was a little girl in the third grade that had made the proverbial leap from adolescence to “womanhood” just like that. I remember sitting in class with a fanny pack around my waist that contained sanitary napkins, oral contraceptives, and pain medication in it. I had horrible cramps, back and leg pain.

These symptoms were my norm, so I just dealt with them as they came.

Thinking that my fanny pack would distract my classmates from the hourly trips to the bathroom just to make sure I didn’t have an “accident” on myself.

Or at least that what I had to keep telling myself as years went on, until I found someone that was able to make sense of it all – I had endometriosis.

I’m sure some of you reading this can totally relate in one way or another from your experiences from endometriosis. Although some days weren’t always the best, but I have learned that it does not have to define me.

Check out my article that I wrote for Healthline HERE on the lessons I’ve learned while navigating through with a condition like endometriosis.