April Christina
Faith. Fertility. Facing Endometriosis.

Women’s Health Advocate | Endometriosis & Fertility

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Hey guys! I created this blog as a safe space for all to gain knowledge, tips, tricks, & more importantly, inspiration while on your wellness journey. It is my goal that through my site you’ll never feel alone & find purpose through your pain.

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Tamron Hall Show – It Is Well
My parents relocated down south close to a decade ago. When I was asked by individuals why I did move with them, I would simply say "because I am going to be on tv!" There was something tugging on my heart about this. Although I had no idea where to begin, as time...
A Love Letter To My Unborn Child
On this day filled with love, I wanted to share my most candid feelings with you. It was never a question of not knowing that I wanted to be your mother. The most challenging obstacle is actually getting to this point. The countless appointment, losing count of how...
Raspberry Lemonade
Raspberry Lemonade Raspberries are great in omega 3 fatty acids to prevent heart and stroke disease. They can aid in lowering blood pressure and your blood sugar. How great is it to have a fruit like this that does such amazing things to our body. It was easy when I...
Easy Fruit Recipe
Easy Fruit Salad The key is to have a healthy balanced amount of fruits if you have a chronic condition or trying to reduce any type of inflammation in your body, this is the salad for you. Even if you're looking for healthier options, try incorporating this easy...
Endo Friendly Salad
They key goal in helping to manage inflammation are consuming anti-inflammatory foods. That includes, green leafy vegetables and fruits and less processed driven foods. Although this may not be easy once transitioning onto a healthy lifestyle catered towards...
To Love…
Every February there’s an annotation centered around love. Unfortunately, this time of the month has always been the opposite for me. Not because of anything traumatic taking place in the past; bur rather I personally never cared for Valentine’s Day. I have been...