As a woman that time of the month is something we don’t look forward too, right? Especially when your  “normal period” tends to not feel quite so normal anymore. Although you may not say it verbally to someone else, in your mind you’ll ask: why are my periods so bad? Although you may not say it verbally to someone else, in your mind you’ll ask: why are my periods so bad? Click To TweetCould something else be wrong? These are all great questions to bring up in a discussion the next time you have to meet with your OB/GYN.  If you ever thought that then I have a few things that will put your mind to ease so you do not feel alone.

It Is Not Just Bad Cramps

For any physician who tells you the intensity of your cramps you have to deal with – RUN! And I mean run fast!!! One of my previous GYN at the time told me that and I was furious. Not only because it was said to me, but mainly because I knew there was something else going on with me, and I needed just one person to believe me. And later on I was able to connect with a physician that told me that my feelings was right. Never neglect your initial thought process. Had I not received a second opinion I would not be where I am.

Breakthrough Bleeding Is Not Okay

Breakthrough bleeding is a clear indication that something is wrong. For me, the first time it occurred, I was officially diagnosed with endometriosis. The second time, I underwent my excision surgery. Normal cycle flow can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days. Each women is different. Know your cycle flow! That way if you do experience breakthrough bleeding, you know what day. No women should experience their period twice in a month – unless your cycle days are changing. If breakthrough bleeding continues to happen, consult with your physician.

Track Your Period

This is extremely important to do. If you are experiencing something more than your regular period, you need a way to track it. Writing down a record of how many sanitary pads you use an hour/day is a good tool. This allows you to see the frequency on a daily basis. That way when you go to the physician, there is a record of consistency to go by. Since most of us have smartphones, there are various apps that will do this for you. Find one that you are most comfortable with and be consistent with it. Some apps you can add daily notes in conjunction to its features.

Don’t ever think you have to continue to deal with bad periods for years on end. If you are not satisfied with what your physician is telling you, it okay to get a second opinion. Sometimes you may need a third. Never settle for what you are told, especially if your body is exemplifying something else. Be your own advocate! That is key! No one knows you better than yourself. Understand that you are NEVER alone. I have given you some tools that will help guide you along the way. I look forward to hearing how they’ve helped!

What other ways have you experienced a bad period? Comment below and let me know! Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram!


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